Bookings are required and can be made by clicking here

December 2016 Newsletter

Dec Event

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.



Article – Handling Negative Emotions


Unhelpful emotional states limit us. Prolonged unhelpful emotional reactions such as anger, frustration, and resentment, blame, rebellion, fear, and jealousy can lead to lack of motivation, and a tendency to turn to unhelpful behaviours to mask how we are feeling. It takes an exhausting amount of energy to hold onto unhelpful emotions, so why not free that energy up and use it instead for positive action for your life!

For some people, stopping negative emotions can be more challenging because inner conflict, or subconscious patterns may be at play.

If this is the case, it will take commitment and persistence to use the following self-nurturing technique to help sooth negative emotions.

To use this technique, you can use a diary or find a private place to speak out loud how you are feeling. This technique uses the more resourceful part of you (your inner coach) to comfort and give attention to the part of you that is feeling wounded. This is a wonderful way to acknowledge how you are feeling and self sooth the emotions by finding solutions.

First step is to acknowledge how the Wounded part of you is feeling. For example, I am feeling helpless, hopeless etc. The next step is for the more Resourceful part of you to acknowledge and repeat back in a loving way how you are feeling, for example you can say “I hear you are feeling helpless and hopeless”. Next your Resourceful part asks the Wounded partHow else you are feeling” and the Wounded part answers and the Resourceful part acknowledges and repeats back until the Wounded part of you feels it has expressed truly how it is feeling.

Then have the Resourceful part of you ask “and what do you need?” and have the Wounded part of you answer. For example, it may say “I need to feel loved”.  Then you would think of ways you can feel loved. You may, for example,  feel loved by doing something you enjoy or making the time to go for a walk or by calling a friend etc.

So by doing this process, you will start to feel empowered since you’re no longer wasting time and/or resources wallowing in your negative feelings.

To transform your negative thinking, see our Power Tip in this edition entitled Mind Power – Attitude Part 1.

For more details re dealing with negative emotions, just call us on 1300 850 774 or visit our website


This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

Dec Quit

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

Quit Cigarettes Tip


Smoking doesn’t deal with negative feelings

Be able to label the emotion you are feeling- anger, sadness, fear.

Write out how you are feeling or what you think you would gain from having a cigarette, like happiness.

Be honest with yourself that poisoning yourself by smoking will not give you that desired result. Find a way to better handle that emotion without smoking e.g. talking to a friend, going for a run or recognising what the emotion is about (e.g. fear of not getting that job) and writing down a way you will handle that emotion.

Do something else! Anything else, but smoke. 

Remind yourself why just breathing fresh air is important to you. 

Remind yourself of all the benefits you will receive from being a non smoker

For more details re quit smoking, just call us on 1300 983 717 or visit our website


Just trust that that moment of temptation will pass when you effectively address what your emotional needs are in that moment.clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

Dec Success

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.




When Ned came to see Ian on 18/6/16, he was smoking 40 cigarettes per day and said as he entered the office: “….this my last option, as I have tried every other technique to quit smoking, without success!”

Ned’s testimonial following the session was:

Because I learnt things that I didn’t know, I felt like I jumped over a cliff in quitting & it should be now straight sailing”

Subsequently, I saw his wife a couple of weeks ago at Waverley Gardens Shopping centre and she told me how delighted they both were as Ned had just celebrated 100 days as a non-smoker! They still couldn’t believe that he quit after only one session.

For more details re quit smoking, just call us on 1300 983 717 or visit our website



This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

Dec Offer

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

Article- Mind Power – Attitude Part 1


This is exactly what w

So when we talk about Mind Power in our How to get a Bigger Bite out of Life training, what do we mean? It comes down to controlling your attitude.

You see, Emerson said “We become what we think about all day long.

So what are you thinking about all day long? Is it serving & empowering you or is it acting like an anchor, holding you back from achieving your desires?

The beauty is that we can change! If we don’t like our lives currently, then we can decide right now & change something!

Mind Power is thinking thoughts independently of what you think reality is!

For example, if you’re not feeling well, rather than keep reinforcing this & telling everyone how bad you feel, you can simply keep reminding yourself “I am well, I am a healthy person”!

If all we did was to be guided by our circumstances, then circumstances would always dictate our lives & that’s not desirable – we become at the mercy of our environment!

Napoleon said it beautifully when he once said “Circumstances ….  I make my circumstances!”

Here is another fascinating notion we discuss in our training – we live in 2 worlds simultaneously – the inner world & the outer world.

Most people simply live their lives by reflecting their outer world into their inner world. These are the drifters that are simply controlled by the outer world.

The doers, however, do the opposite! They control their outer world from their inner world. This is true Mind Power! Create what you want in your inner world first & the let it show up in the outer world.

This is how most inventions materialise. Take for example, a pen. Someone internally dreamt up how it would appear and work well before it was ever fabricated.

As we said when we discussed the powerful NLP principle of CAUSE & EFFECT a few months ago, you are the cause of everything that happens in your universe. Therefore, if you want something to be different, take responsibility & start to think about it differently inside.

There are many, many examples in history of people that have used this principle (Einstein, Churchill, Abraham Lincoln etc etc). One of the most powerful recent examples for me is a guy called Nicholas James Vujicic. You can read all about his amazingly, inspirational story by referring to our Inspirational Power Tip in this edition.

So change how you think & what you think about & watch how your world will then start to change around you. Create inside what you want outside!

For more details re our How to get a Bigger Bite out of Life workshops and book, just call us on 1300 983 717 or visit our website


clients when they use our pro


gram to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

Dec Weight

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

Ideal Weight Tip


How to handle emotional eating/ eating comfort food


We are engineered from childhood to use food as a reflection of emotions. Family celebrations often include cake and sweets.

Ask yourself how you are feeling (see article for the month) Find out what your emotional need is- e.g to feel loved. Make time to do something you love or find another way to feel that emotion. For eg. do a dance class with your friends OR play squash with a family member OR take the dog for a walk OR doing something that you immensely enjoy.

The key point is that we can replace food as a mechanism for achieving these desired emotions.

Remind yourself of your weight reduction goal and how happy you will be having achieved that!

Read or look at the goal you have set for yourself twice daily, when you wake up & when you go to bed.

In our next Power Tips edition, we’ll continue this topic by seeing how we can add the immensely power law of attraction to magnify our results from this process even further.

For more details re weight loss, just call us on 1300 850 774 or visit our website


This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

Dec Inspiration

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

Inspirational Story


So how does this apply

No Arms, No Legs, No Worries!

Nicholas James Vujicic is an Australian preacher and motivational speaker born with Tetra-amelia syndrome, a rare disorder characterized by the absence of all four limbs. As a child, he struggled mentally and emotionally, as well as physically, but eventually came to terms with his disability and, at the age of seventeen, started his own non-profit organization, Life Without Limbs.

If you watch his inspirational Youtube video below entitled No Arms, No Legs, No Worries! (simply click on the image below), you will truly see an amazing example of someone using their mind power – to go well beyond his environment & circumstances and truly rise above them.

So change how you think & what you think about & watch how your world will then start to change around you. Create inside what you want outside!

For more details re developing your mind, something that we cover in our How to get a Bigger Bite out of Life workshops and book, just call us on 1300 983 717 or visit our website

t suggests th light globe? When he was quizzed about how did it feel to fail over 1000 times, his response was: “I didn’t failed over one thousand times, I simply found over one thousand ways that didn’t work!”. With that type of attitude to non-success, he was unstoppable!! And so will you be if you simply apply the same belief & strategy.

If you’d like to get more information re our Reach Your Ideal weight program, simply call Ian on 1300 983 717 or Caroline on 1300 850 774.

e if you simply apply the same belief & strategy.

If you’d like to get more information re our Reach Your Ideal weight program, simply call Ian on 1300 983 717 or Ca

on re our Reach Your Ideal weight program, simply call Ian on 1300 983 717 or Caroline on 1300 850 774.

e if you simply apply the same belie


Past Issue- October 2016 Newsletter

Oct Event

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.



Cause & Effect – let’s make the rest of 2016 ROCK!

The Law of Cause & Effect is one of the principal foundations of NLP. Whenever we encounter a problem in our lives, we have an option. We can be at cause or at effect with this problem. What does this mean & how do they differ?

For example, let’s just say you have decided to lose weight. You’ve created a diet regime and exercise program. What do you do when after 2 weeks, you’ve put on weight rather than lost it?

If you respond by being at effect, this means the following:

  • You dwell only on the problem,
  • You come up with a bucket load of excuses, for example, the weather was bad, my mother-in-law interferes, the kids leave me with no time for myself etc
  • You blame others/things for your problems: mother, partner, dietician the weather, etc
  • You start saying things like: “If only this was to happen, then I’ll be OK”. For example, when the kids grow up, then I’ll have more time to lose weight….”
  • You dwell on the past & relive mistakes over and over again, and
  • Everything works from the outside – therefore everything is out of your control.

The only ‘benefit’ with staying at effect is that it is the easy way out. It’s never your fault – always someone else’s! The drawbacks with staying at effect are numerous:

  1. You’ll make no progress as you experience a stuck state,
  2. You lose all control – you have given all your power to someone else – the person you are blaming, and
  3. Every time you’re thinking shifts to blame, you open the door to negative emotions.

What is the alternative? Start living at cause. This means that:

  • You accept responsibility for everything that happens in your life. It may not be your fault, but it is your responsibility,
  • You will be empowered to demonstrate your willingness to solve the problem at hand by focusing on solutions. Solutions to your every situation will begin to pop up and you can begin to learn valuable lessons. This gives you maximum power!
  • You will start saying things like: “Despite all of this, now what?” You learn from your past, leave it in the past and then see what you need to do from today onward.
  • Everything works from the inside – therefore giving you maximum control.

You see, it’s not what happens that counts, it’s what you do in the meantime. It’s not the cards you’re dealt, its how you play them.

So back to the weight loss example, being at cause, you would think – isn’t that interesting – what I have tried so far hasn’t worked for me, although it may work for others. So what else can I do, what other techniques can I use, that will help me lose weight? You would then explore some or all of the following:

  1. Other exercises that could you do that don’t rely on the weather?
  2. Reduce your caffeine & alcohol consumption,
  3. Look to improve the quality of your sleep,
  4. Reduce the quantity of the foods that you are eating,
  5. Check your Vitamin D level?
  6. Explore what negative emotions that you may be carrying from the past, that may be literally weighing you down,
  7. Explore stress management techniques, that will allow you to take back control over your life as well as promote weight loss,
  8. Look at what bad lifestyle habits that you have picked up that contribute to weight gain,
  9. How could you get your unconscious mind on side to accelerate your progress?
  10. Are there any mindset techniques that would increase your energy & motivation each day?
  11. Do you have any limiting beliefs that are holding you back from achieving your goal? For example, do you believe, consciously or unconsciously, that you are unworthy of looking slim, healthy & beautiful due to some negative childhood imprint experience?

As you can see, by staying at cause, we retain maximum control & power over our lives. Whatever setbacks and obstacles that occur while achieving our goals, these are treated as valuable, powerful learnings that will facilitate our growth and personal development. As we grow as individuals, these powerful learnings will only serve to help make future goal achievement easier and faster. Our lives will become more fulfilling & rewarding – forming part of the exciting adventure that we’ve designed it to be. So let’s use this powerful NLP principle to really make the remainder of 2016 ROCK!

Enjoy & have fun, always!

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

Oct Quit

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

Quit Cigarettes Tip

Know your reasons and excuses for smoking

Behind any habitual behaviour is an emotional benefit that we feel we are getting out of doing that behaviour. People smoke for many different reasons. Some smoke because they think it helps them reduce stress, because they enjoy it or because they use it as a reward to name a few emotional reasons.

It is well worth the time discovering other more effective ways to get the emotional benefit you think you are getting from the cigarettes. For example, Meditation is a great way to reduce stress (see this month’s weight reduction tip) and far more effective then smoking.

People who enjoy cigarettes soon discover there is actually only a small number they enjoy because many of the cigarettes they do purely out of habit. There are other things you can do or start doing that give you an even greater sense of enjoyment.

If you feel you use cigarettes are a reward after doing something try substituting the smoking for drinking a glass of water, having a herbal tea, or going for a walk outside and breathing fresh air.

Just trust that that moment of temptation will pass when you effectively address what your emotional needs are in that moment.clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

Oct Success

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.


Listen to Donna’s story she has reduced her weight by 14kgs in 7 weeks using the Reach your Ideal weight Hypnosis program – Used by Ian Kaminskyj. Caroline Kasputtis uses a similar program with her clients called The Virtual Gastric Band program.


This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

Oct Offer

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

Your Help Needed

Special Offer!

In order for us to provide you with the most valuable Power Tips on the planet, we need your valuable feedback on (i) how we can improve our Power Tips, (ii) what challenges & issues you would like to help with, and (iii) what are your current personal development priorities.

To do this, simply fill out a very short 4 question online survey by the end of October (31/10/16) by clicking on the following link:

or enter the URL

into your browser.

As a big thank you for sharing your views, you will receive a free self hypnosis audio track to help turn your dreams into reality. The audio by Caroline Kasputtis includes a powerful hypnosis session to insert your goal into your future.

But, you’d better hurry as this offer finishes 31/10/16!

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

Oct Weight

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

Ideal Weight Tip


Reduce the feeling of Stress

Many people experience stress on a daily basis. Stressful things can happen at work and many people find it hard to shake off the stress when they get home. Carrying around stress isn’t good for overall health and it certainly isn’t good for reducing weight. When the body is stressed our Sympathetic Nervous system kicks in (which controls our fight flight responses) and all the energy that would normally go to properly digesting and breaking down food and illuminating waist instead goes to preparing for the supposed danger at hand. A chemical Cortisol is released in the body which causes weight gain.

The solution to stress is to have an effective way to release the stress to bring our body back to a relaxed state. A very effective way to do this is to meditate.

Just 15 minutes a day of meditation has additional measurable health benefits including better sleep, increased feeling of wellbeing and decreases the need to emotionally eat, eat out of comfort or distract yourself with any other unhealthy behaviour.

If you don’t have an effective meditation technique, I highly recommend downloading the following free app: 1 Giant Mind. Which will walk you through how to meditate and provide short meditation sessions for you to do at home on a daily basis.


This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

Oct Inspiration

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

Inspirational Quote

So how does this apply

So how do we get a Bigger Bite out of Life??


By continually being in the process of progressively accomplishing worthwhile goals & be well adjusted in life’s 6 MAJOR AREAS



So what goals do you have in your 6 major areas of life? Do not let another week go by without setting goals in each of these 6 areas of life, so that you can grab the Biggest bite out of life possible!!

t suggests th light globe? When he was quizzed about how did it feel to fail over 1000 times, his response was: “I didn’t failed over one thousand times, I simply found over one thousand ways that didn’t work!”. With that type of attitude to non-success, he was unstoppable!! And so will you be if you simply apply the same belief & strategy.

If you’d like to get more information re our Reach Your Ideal weight program, simply call Ian on 1300 983 717 or Caroline on 1300 850 774.

e if you simply apply the same belief & strategy.

If you’d like to get more information re our Reach Your Ideal weight program, simply call Ian on 1300 983 717 or Ca

on re our Reach Your Ideal weight program, simply call Ian on 1300 983 717 or Caroline on 1300 850 774.

e if you simply apply the same belie

roline on 1300 850 774.

Past Power tips – July 2016 Newsletter

July Event

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

Event Announcement


Needing to re-invent yourself in some way?

Do any of these apply to you:

  • Having difficulty staying focused in life?
  • Are you procrastinating or lacking determination & motivation?
  • Not knowing where to start with a new venture?
  • Having difficulty selling your ideas?
  • Having challenges handling adversity in your life?

Did you know that inventors have the same challenges! So if you want answers to these burning questions, come along to our next Bigger Bite presentation with the Inventors Assoc of Aust (Vic)

It will provide you with lots of valuable tips on (a) what’s currently holding you back in your life & (b) what to do about it, so that you can break out of your current rut forever & get back on track with achieving what you want out of life! For more details, click here.

To book in, simply call 1300 983 717 or reply back to this email confirming your attendance.

As a past client of ours, we have been able to secure a discounted entry fee of only $5 with IAA (Vic), but you must register your attendance to get this special offer.

We can’t wait to catch up and share these life empowering concepts with you!


Caroline Kasputtis and Ian Kaminskyj

yellow lady


“This evening was what I wanted. There was lots of great ideas and information. I wanted to develop more self-confidence and assertive skills. I also wanted to learn positive ways to deal with difficult workplace people and situations. What I learnt from the seminar was tools and actions to take to achieve my goals. The seminar was very detailed and informative. I learnt ideas to achieve my goals with persistence. Also I learnt ways to deal with obstacles. Both Caroline and Ian were great! They were friendly, helpful, and positive with useful ideas and comments.” Susan W, Ashwood

work women

“I was expecting a totally different seminar. But what I got was amazing. I thought everything in the seminar was useful. Ian and Caroline were really good and impressive. I loved it.” Pratik M, Rowville

“I came to the seminar to learn some life enhancing strategies. What I got that was especially useful was concepts to overcome fear. I found the seminar well-presented and I was totally engaged.” Anne M, Mulgrave

happywomen“I came to the seminar to gain confidence in making the right career decision/ choice that has been unexpectedly thrown at me. What I got from the seminar was ideas and areas to think about/explore. I was also able to way up the pros and cons and move past my fears. I found knowing my goals especially useful so I’m not just contributing to other people’s goals!” Sharyn B, Wheelers Hill

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.


July Quit

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

Quit Cigarettes Tip



You need to be ready to quit smoking for yourself. Not because someone else wants you to stop, not because you really should stop, but because you feel like you deserve to stop.

You might be scared; you might think it will be hard but at the end of the day you must have a will to succeed.

Having a will to succeed at anything is like having a light to help you find your way to spur you on when things get tough and life throws challenges your way.

If you have a will to succeed hypnotherapy is great to assist you to remove the desire to smoke.

ur clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

July Success

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.



“Thank you very much for an informative session I got a lot out of it. I wanted to work on my self confidence which isn’t easy for me to put myself out there. I got step by step info with a lot of depth and detail on how to set goals and accomplish them. There were a lot of quotes which were quite motivational. The trainers were really helpful and kind, and the information was very helpful too!”

Pramath J, Hampton Park

“Well done Ian and Caroline! It was a really engaging experience. It taught me a lot of stuff on how to go about dealing with problems and tackling them head on!

By coming to the workshop I wanted to get a better understanding on how to deal with everyday stresses and fear to get the most out of life. I am in year 12 at the moment so have to get the best possible results.

By doing the workshop I got a really deep understanding on time management which allows me to take the action on my goals. What I got that was especially useful was that nothing is impossible. Everything can be achieved if we try the best of our ability. Also I saw that forming great relationships and having important people around you is really important.”

Parth C, Lyndhurst

“I came to the seminar to get points towards creating success in life. I got many inspiring ideas and procedures to put into practice. I especially found useful the importance of having a balanced life to make my life go ahead smoothly. The workshop was well delivered and very informative. Thank you very much for your commitment.”

Rekha G, Mulgrave


This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

July Offer

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

Special Offer


Start of Financial Year Special

Book a Quit Smoking or Reach your Ideal weight program before 31/7/16 and receive a $50 discount. Simply call Ian on 1300 983 717 or Caroline on 1300 850 774 and quote EOFYS to receive your discount. But, you’d better hurry as this offer must finish 31/7/16!

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

July Weight

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

Ideal Weight Tip

yellow background

Definition of Insanity and the Law of Requisite Variety

Einstein’s definition of Insanity relates doing something over & over again & expecting a different result! Clearly then, if you’re having challenges with your weight, then what you’ve been doing up until now hasn’t worked. So do something different – anything different!!

This is where the NLP Law of Requisite Variety comes in. It relates to behavioral flexibility and refers to a lesson from Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution and the survival of the fittest. It concludes that it is

Not the strongest

Not the most intelligent…

But the…

Species that most adapted to change

Not only survived, but THRIVED

So how does this apply to weight loss. It suggests that to have maximum chance of success, you must be flexible and keep trying out different strategies or techniques until you find one that works for you! You may achieve success with the first strategy or the hundredth strategy that you explore.

Did you know that Thomas Edison, the famous US inventor, tried over 1000 times before he developed the light globe? When he was quizzed about how did it feel to fail over 1000 times, his response was: “I didn’t failed over one thousand times, I simply found over one thousand ways that didn’t work!”. With that type of attitude to non-success, he was unstoppable!! And so will you be if you simply apply the same belief & strategy.

If you’d like to get more information re our Reach Your Ideal weight program, simply call Ian on 1300 983 717 or Caroline on 1300 850 774.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

July Inspiration

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

Inspirational Quote

July Quote

Life is 10% of what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.

Dennis P Kimbro

So how does this apply to weight loss. It suggests that to have maximum chance of success, you must be flexible and keep trying out different strategies or techniques until you find one that works for you! You may achieve success with the first strategy or the hundredth strategy that you explore.

Did you know that Thomas Edison, the famous US inventor, tried over 1000 times before he developed the light globe? When he was quizzed about how did it feel to fail over 1000 times, his response was: “I didn’t failed over one thousand times, I simply found over one thousand ways that didn’t work!”. With that type of attitude to non-success, he was unstoppable!! And so will you b

Did you know that Thomas Edison, the famous US inventor, tried over 1000 times before he developed the light globe? When he was quizzed about how did it feel to fail over 1000 times, his response was: “I didn’t failed over one thousand times, I simply found over one thousand ways that didn’t work!”. With that type of attitude to non-success, he was unstoppable!! And so will you be if you simply apply the same belief & strategy.

If you’d like to get more information re our Reach Your Ideal weight program, simply call Ian on 1300 983 717 or Caroline on 1300 850 774.

e if you simply apply the same belief & strategy.

If you’d like to get more information re our Reach Your Ideal weight program, simply call Ian on 1300 983 717 or Ca

on re our Reach Your Ideal weight program, simply call Ian on 1300 983 717 or Caroline on 1300 850 774.

e if you simply apply the same belie

roline on 1300 850 774.

May 2016 Newsletter


This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

Event Announcement

 Strange WomanFrustrated and Angry that life is not going the way you’d like it?

Remember Einstein’s definition of Insanity – doing the same thing over & over again & expecting a different result! So if you want to get back on track with your life, then you need to do something different!! Otherwise, you may just go insane!!

Our personal growth & success transformation workshop is just what you need! It will provide you with lots of valuable tips on (a) what’s currently holding you back in your life & (b) what to do about it, so that you can break out of your current rut forever & get back on track with achieving what you want out of life!

For more details, click here.

To book in, simply call 1300 983 717 or reply back to this email confirming your attendance.

Due to the venue size, this offer is limited to the first 20 people.

Also, if you book in before 31/5/16, you’ll receive a receive a free self-hypnosis daytime affirmation recording by Dr. Steve G Jones to the value of $50. Choose from a variety of titles, including getting better memory, exercise and inner peace to name a few.

We can’t wait to catch up and share these life empowering concepts with you!


Caroline Kasputtis and Ian Kaminskyj



“This evening was what I wanted. There was lots of great ideas and information. I wanted to develop more self-confidence and assertive skills. I also wanted to learn positive ways to deal with difficult workplace people and situations. What I learnt from the seminar was tools and actions to take to achieve my goals. The seminar was very detailed and informative. I learnt ideas to achieve my goals with persistence. Also I learnt ways to deal with obstacles. Both Caroline and Ian were great! They were friendly, helpful, and positive with useful ideas and comments.” Susan W, Ashwood

work women

“I was expecting a totally different seminar. But what I got was amazing. I thought everything in the seminar was useful. Ian and Caroline were really good and impressive. I loved it.” Pratik M, Rowville

“I came to the seminar to learn some life enhancing strategies. What I got that was especially useful was concepts to overcome fear. I found the seminar well-presented and I was totally engaged.” Anne M, Mulgrave

happywomen“I came to the seminar to gain confidence in making the right career decision/ choice that has been unexpectedly thrown at me. What I got from the seminar was ideas and areas to think about/explore. I was also able to way up the pros and cons and move past my fears. I found knowing my goals especially useful so I’m not just contributing to other people’s goals!” Sharyn B, Wheelers Hill

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.


This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

Quit Cigarettes Tip

quit tip pic

Visualize your way to becoming a non-smoker

While doing your daily activities, such deep breathing and/or relaxing, you can close your eyes and begin to imagine yourself as a non-smoker. See yourself enjoying your exercise. See yourself turning down a cigarette that someone offers you. See yourself throwing all your cigarettes away and winning a gold medal for doing so. Develop your own creative visualizations. Visualization works!

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.


This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

Success Stories


“ Its been 6 weeks since I first saw Caroline to reduce my weight and I’ve lost 8 kgs!”
Pam T, Bentleigh

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.


This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

Free Offer


Book in to see Ian or Caroline for a one on one hypnotherapy/NLP session for the month of May/June and receive a free self-hypnosis daytime affirmation recording by Dr. Steve G Jones.  This one on one session could cover quit smoking, ideal weight, phobias, stress & anxiety etc.

Choose from a variety of titles for the free self-hypnosis daytime affirmation recording , including having better memory, exercise and inner peace to name a few. These recordings are valued at $50 dollars each.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.


This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

Ideal Weight Tip


Believe in yourself!

A key aspect of reaching your ideal weight is to have the belief that you can. Henry Ford was quoted as saying “If you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right”

A belief is something you feel and think is true about yourself or the world. When you believe it is possible to reach your ideal weight, your actions and thoughts will be consistent with that belief.

You may come up against a few obstacles during your journey, but you can find solutions to help overcome them. If you start to think that these obstacles are too big, you’ll notice yourself creating a list of negative reasons to support that belief.  “I haven’t been able to do it in the past”, “I’ve always been overweight” or “I’ve tried so many times and nothing seems to work” are just some of the negative reasons we may come up with.

A belief is like a filter you see the world through. If you believe that you can succeed, you will be motivated to take the actions that are required to achieve your desired goal.


How do you know if you have a belief that you can achieve your goals?

First of all you’ll need to be able to identify the feeling you get inside when you say something you know is true. For example if you close your eyes and say ‘May name is _____(fill in the blank)’ You know this to be true and many people will describe the feeling they get as an expanded feeling of being congruent with what they are saying.

Now do the same exercise again and say something that is not true ‘My name is ____(fill the blank in with the wrong name) You know this to not be true – therefore many people will describe this feeling as a contracting feeling of being incongruent with what they are saying.

Now close your eyes and ask yourself; ‘Is it possible to reach my ideal weight of ____(fill in the blank).’ What did you feel? Is it a congruent or an incongruent feeling?’

If you notice yourself feeling any self-doubt that you will be to achieve your ideal weight, then here’s a great tip to try;

Allow yourself to identify the thought that you relate to the negative belief. For example; if you see a piece of clothing you would like to fit into and you start to think ‘I’ll never fit into that’ stop yourself right there!! Flip that negative thought to a positive one. “I will fit into that”

It may seem silly and untrue to start with but the more you practice this tip the easier it will become.

A great example of this is Mohamed Ali, arguably one of the best boxers in the world. Mohamed says that he called himself “The Greatest” a long, long time before it happened!

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.


This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

Inspirational Quote

Close-up picture of beautiful and colorful sunflowers

Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear & the blind can see – Mark Twain.

Who can you make a difference to today with some kindness? Someone wanting to quit? Maybe someone who’s wanting to lose weight?

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.

This is exactly what we do with our clients when they use our program to quit cigarettes in 60 minutes.